


















~ R. Liu, Y. Xiao, Y. Peng, and  X. Tian*.  DDFSRM: Denoising Diffusion Fusion Model for Line-Scanning Super-Resolution, IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 2024. (IF=4.700)

Z. Zhang, H. Li, C. Ke, J. Chen, and X. Tian*. Deep Variational Network for Blind Pansharpening, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2024. (IF=10.400)

C. Ke, Z. Zhang, W. Zhang, J. Chen, and X. Tian*. Kernel-guided injection deep network for blind fusion of multispectral and panchromatic images, Pattern Recognition, 2024. (IF=8.000)

R. Liu, S. Meng, Y. Peng, and X. Tian*. TransFusion-CR: Two-Phase SAR-to-Optical Translation and Deep Feature Fusion for Cloud Removal, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024. (IF=8.125)

~ J. Rao, Y. Peng, J. Chen, and X. Tian*. "Various Degradation: Dual Cross-Refinement Transformer For Blind Sonar Image Super-Resolution", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024. (IF=8.125)

~ R. Liu, Z. Zhang, and X. Tian*. "Scanning-Driven Photon-Counting 3D Imaging through Scattering Media via Asynchronous Polarization Modulation", Laser & Photonics Reviews2024, 2300916. (Selected as a feature paper on a frontispiece). (IF=10.100)

~ H. Wang, H. Zhang, X. Tian, and J. Ma. "Zero-Sharpen: A universal pansharpening method across satellites for reducing scale-variance gap via zero-shot variation", Information Fusion, 2024, 102003. (IF=17.564)

H. Liang, R. Liu, Z. Wang, J. Ma, and X. Tian*. "Variational Bayesian deep network for blind Poisson denoising", Pattern Recognition, 2023, 143, 109810. (IF=8.000)

~ C. Ke, W. Zhang, Z. Wang, J. Ma, and X. Tian*. "Coarse-to-fine Cross-domain Learning Fusion Network for Pansharpening", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2023. (IF=8.125)

~ R. Liu, Y. Xiao, Z. Wang, J. Ma, and X. Tian*. "Scanning-based compressive hyperspectral imaging via spectral-coded illumination", Optics Letters, 2023, 48 (13), 3387-3390. (IF=3.560)

X. Tian, K. Li, W. Zhang, Z. Wang, and J. Ma. "Interpretable model-driven deep network for hyperspectral, multispectral, and panchromatic image fusion", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2023. (IF=10.400)

~ M. Gong, H. Zhang, H. Xu, X. Tian, and J. Ma. "Multipatch Progressive Pansharpening With Knowledge Distillation", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2023, 61, 1-15. (IF=8.125)

~ C. Ke, H. Liang, D. Li, and X. Tian*. "High-Frequency Transformer Network Based on Window Cross-Attention for Pansharpening", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2023.

~ 余典,李坤,张玮,李对对,田昕*,江昊。可解译深度网络的多光谱遥感图像融合,中国图象图形学报,2023,28(1): 290-304. (封面文章

X. Tian, F. He, R. Liu, and J. Ma. "Interpretable Poisson Optimization-inspired Deep Network for Single-photon Counting Image Denoising", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023, 72, 5002111. (IF=5.332)

~ R. Liu, H. Liang, Z, Wang, J. Ma, and X. Tian*. "Fusion-based high-quality polarization 3D reconstruction", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2023, 162, 107397.(IF=5.666)
~ Y. Lu, J. Ma, L. Fang, X. Tian, and J. Jiang. "Robust and Scalable Gaussian Process Regression and Its Applications", in IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023.

~ H. Zhang, H. Wang, X. Tian, and J. Ma. "P2Sharpen: A progressive pansharpening network with deep spectral transformation", Information Fusion, 2023, 91, 103-122. (IF=17.564)

~ F. He, R. Liu, and X. Tian*. "Scanning-based photon-limited imaging through scattering media", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2023, 161, 107388.(IF=5.666)

~ S. Li, X. Liu, Y. Xiao, Y. Ma, J. Yang, K. Zhu, and X. Tian. "3D compressive imaging system with a single photon-counting detector", Optics Express, 2023, 31 (3), 4712-4738. (IF=3.833)

X. Tian, W. Zhang, D. Yu, and J. Ma. "Sparse tensor prior for hyperspectral, multispectral, and panchromatic image fusion", IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2023, 10 (1), 284-286. (IF=11.800)

H. Xu, Y. Sun, X. Mei, X. Tian, and J. Ma. "Attention-guided polarization image fusion using salient information distribution", IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 2022, 8, 1117-1130.(IF=4.708)

K. Li, W. Zhang, D. Yu, and X. Tian*. "HyperNet: A Deep Network for Hyperspectral, Multispectral, and Panchromatic Image Fusion", ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2022, 188, 30-44. (IF=11.774)

~ B. Huang, Z. Wang, K. Jiang, Q. Zou, X. Tian, T. Lu, and Z. Han. "Joint segmentation and identification feature learning for occlusion face recognition", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2022. (IF=10.400)

X. Tian, Y. Xiao, R. Liu, F. He, and J. Ma. "Line-wise scanning-based super-resolution imaging", Optics Letters, 2022, 47(9): 2230-2233.(IF=3.560)

H. Xu, M. Gong, X. Tian, J. Huang, and J. Ma. "CUFD: An encoder-decoder network for visible and infrared image fusion based on common and unique feature decomposition", Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2022, 218, 103407.(IF=8.125)

X. Tian, W. Zhang, Y. Chen, Z. Wang, and J.  Ma. "HyperFusion: A Computational Approach for Hyperspectral, Multispectral, and Panchromatic Image Fusion", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, 60, 5518216. (IF=8.125,入选ESI Highly Cited Papers)

~ G. Wang, Z. Wang, B. Huang, K. Jiang, Z. He, H. Zhu, J. Xiao, and X. Tian. "Two-stage unsupervised facial image quality measurement", Information Sciences, 2022, 611, 432-445. (IF=8.100)

~ K. Zeng, Z. Wang, T. Lu, J. Chen, B. Huang, Z. Han, and X. Tian. "Realistic frontal face reconstruction using coupled complementarity of far-near-sighted face images", Pattern Recognition2022, 129, 108754. (IF=8.000)

~ F. He, X. Tian*, R. Liu, and J. Ma. "MoG-DS: model-guided deep convolutional network for joint denoising and super-resolution of a single-photon counting image", Optics Express, 2022, 30 (18), 33068-33082. (IF=3.833)

~ M. Gong, J. Ma, H. Xu, X. Tian, and X. Zhang. "D2TNet: A ConvLSTM network with dual-direction transfer for pan-sharpening", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, 60, 1-14.(IF=8.125)

X. Tian, R. Liu, Z. Wang, and J. Ma. "High quality 3D reconstruction based on fusion of polarization imaging and binocular stereo vision", Information Fusion, 2022, 77, 19-28.(IF=17.564)

X. Wang, J. Ma, P. Yi, X. Tian*, J. Jiang, and X. P. Zhang. "Learning an epipolar shift compensation for light field image super-resolution", Information Fusion, 2022, 79: 188-199.(IF=17.564)

~ A. Fan, J. Ma, X. Tian, X. Mei, and W. Liu. "Coherent point drift revisited for non-rigid shape matching and registration", Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2022, 1424-1434.

R. Liu, X. Tian*, F. He, and J. Ma. "Multi-depth photon-counting imaging based on polarisation modulation", Optics Express, 2021, 29 (24), 39362-39375.(IF=3.833)

X. Liu, Y. Ma, S. Li, J. Yang, Z. Zhang, and X. Tian. "Photon counting correction method to improve the quality of reconstructed images in single photon compressive imaging systems", Optics Express, 2021. 29 (23), 37945-37961.(IF=3.833)

H. Zhang, J. Yuan, X. Tian, and J. Ma. "GAN-FM: Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Using GAN with Full-scale Skip Connection and Dual Markovian Discriminators", IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 2021, 7, 1134-1147.(IF=4.708)

~ X. Tian, W. Chen, Z. Wang, and J. Ma. "Polarization prior to single-photon counting image denoising", Optics Express, 2021, 29 (14), 21664-21682.(IF=3.833)

R. Liu, X. Tian*, S. Li. "Polarisation-modulated photon-counting 3D imaging based on a negative parabolic pulse model", Optics Express, 2021, 29 (13): 20577-20589.(IF=3.833)

~ X. Tian, K. Li, Z. Wang, and J. Ma. "VP-Net: An Interpretable Deep Network for Variational Pansharpening", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, 60, 5400416.(IF=8.125)

H. Zhang, H. Xu, X. Tian, J. Jiang, and J. Ma. "Image fusion meets deep learning: A survey and perspective", Information Fusion, 2021, 76, 323-336. (IF=17.564,入选ESI Highly Cited Papers)

J. Ma, C. Peng, X. Tian*, and J. Jiang. "DBDnet: A Deep Boosting Strategy for Image Denoising", IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2022, 24, 3157-3168.(IF=8.182)
P. Yi, Z. Wang, K. Jiang, J. Jiang, T. Lu, X. Tian, and J. Ma. "Omniscient Video Super-Resolution", in IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021, pp. 4429-4438.

K. Li, W. Zhang, X. Tian*, J. Ma, H. Zhou, and Z. Wang. "Variation-Net: Interpretable Variation-Inspired Deep Network for Pansharpening", In IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2021, pp.1-6

B. Huang, Z. Wang, G. Wang, K. Jiang, K. Zeng, Z. Han, X. Tian, and Y. Yang. "When Face Recognition Meets Occlusion: A New Benchmark", In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2021, pp. 4240-4244. 

~ X. Tian, Y. Chen, C. Yang, and J. Ma. "Variational Pansharpening by Exploiting Cartoon-Texture Similarities", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, 60, pp. 5400416. (IF=8.125,入选ESI Highly Cited Papers)

J. Ma, Z. Le, X. Tian, and J. Jiang. "SMFuse: Multi-focus Image Fusion via Self-supervised Mask-optimization", IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 2021, 7, pp. 309-320.(IF=4.708)

Q. Hong, Z. Wang, Z. He, N. Wang, X. Tian, and T. Lu. "Masked Face Recognition with Identification Association", In IEEE 32nd International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), 2020, pp.731-735. 

Y. Chen, M. Zhang, S. Li, Z. Wang, and X. Tian*. "Cartoon-Texture Decomposition-Based Variational Pansharpening", In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2020, pp. 2688-2692. 

M. Zhang, Z. Zhao, Y. Chen, Z. Wang, and X. Tian*. "FusionNDVI: A Novel Fusion Method for NDVI in Remote Sensing", In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2020, pp. 4816-4820. 

M. Zhang, S. Li, F. Yu, and X. Tian*. "Image fusion employing adaptive spectral-spatial gradient sparse regularization in UAV remote sensing", Signal Processing, 2020, 170, 107434. (IF=4.729)

W. Chen, S. Li, and X. Tian*. "Robust single-photon counting imaging with spatially correlated and total variation constraints", Optics Express, 2020, 28(2): 2625-2639. (IF=3.833)

~ X. Tian, W. Chen, F. Zhao, B. Li, Z. Wang. "Robust CBCT reconstruction based on low-rank tensor decomposition and total variation regularization", In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2020, 330-334.

~ X. Tian, M. Zhang, C. Yang, J. Ma. "FusionNDVI: a computational fusion approach for high-resolution normalized difference vegetation index", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020, 59 (6), 5258-5271.(IF=8.125)

~ X. Tian, Y. Chen, C. Yang, X. Gao, J. Ma.  "A variational pansharpening method based on gradient sparse representation", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2020, 27, 1180-1184.(IF=3.201)

Z. Le, J. Huang, F. Fan, X. Tian, J. Ma. "A generative adversarial network for medical image fusion", In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2020, 330-334.

H. Zhang, J. Ma, C. Chen, X. Tian*. "NDVI-Net: A fusion network for generating high-resolution normalized difference vegetation index in remote sensing", ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2020, 168, 182-196.(IF=11.774)

X. Jiang, J. Ma, A. Fan, H. Xu, G. Lin, T. Lu, X. Tian.  "Robust feature matching for remote sensing image registration via linear adaptive filtering", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2021, 59(2), 1577-1591.(IF=8.125,入选ESI Highly Cited Papers)

M. Zhang, Y. Chen, S. Li, X. Tian*. "Sparse representation-based image fusion for multi-source NDVI change detection", In IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2020, 20371137.

K. Jiang, Z. Wang, P. Yi, C. Chen, Y. Yang, X. Tian, J. Jiang.  "Attention-guided deraining network via stage-wise learning", In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2020, pp. 2618-2622. 

~ X. Tian. "Fourier ptychographic reconstruction using mixed Gaussian–Poisson likelihood with total variation regularization", Electronics Letters, 2019, 55(19): 1041-1043.(IF=1.202)

~ X. Tian, A. Abdi, E. Liu, and F. Fekri. "Seismic signal compression through delay compensated and entropy constrained dictionary learning", In IEEE 19th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), 2018, pp. 1-5.

A. Payani, A. Abdi, X. Tian, F. Fekri, and M. Mohandes. "Advances in seismic data compression via learning from data: Compression for seismic data acquisition", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 2018, 35(2): 51-61.(IF=15.204)

~ X. Tian, A. Abdi, E. Liu, and F. Fekri. "Memory-assisted seismic signal compression based on dictionary learning and sparse coding", In IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), 2017, pp. 358-362.

S. Zhang, X. Tian, C. Xiong, J. Tian, and D. Ming. "Fast implementation for the singular value and eigenvalue decomposition based on FPGA", 电子学报(英文版), 2017, 26(1): 132-136.

T. Li, X. Tian*, C. Xiong, and J. Tian. "A coding scheme for noisy image based on layer segmentation", 电子学报(英文版), 2016, 25(4): 700-705.


IEEE会员,IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing,Digital Signal Processing等国际权威杂志的审稿人
Guest Editor for Remote Sensing, Special Issue "Advances in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing: Methods and Applications"
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Guest Editor for Frontiers in Remote Sensing, Special Issue "Advances in Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution"
call for paper
Guest Editor for Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Special Issue "Advanced Pattern/Structure Discovery from Complex Multimedia Data Environments"
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联系方式: 邮箱:xin.tian@whu.edu.cn




张蒙亮,学硕(2017-2019),1篇IEEE TGRS,1篇Signal Processing,1篇IEEE ICASSP,1篇IEEE IGARSS,2项发明专利,美国UTA读博
陈葳,学硕(2018-2020),2篇Optics Express,1篇IEEE ICIP,4项发明专利,就职于TPLINK
陈月荣,学硕(2018-2020),1篇IEEE TGRS,1篇IEEE SPL,1篇IEEE ICASSP,4项发明专利,就职于快手科技
刘芮,学硕(2019-),1篇Information Fusion,
Optics Letters,2篇Optics Express,1篇OPT LASER ENG,1篇IFTC,2项发明专利,武大读博

何访,学硕(2020-),1篇IEEE TIM,1篇Optics Express,1篇OPT LASER ENG,就职于大疆科技
李坤,专硕(2020-),1篇ISPRS P&RS,1篇IEEE TGRS,1篇IEEE ICME,就职于商汤科技(获得中国通信学会优秀硕士论文)
张玮,学硕(2021-),1篇IEEE TGRS,1篇JAS,在读

肖滢,学硕(2021-),2篇Optics Letters,在读

柯成杰专硕(2022-),1篇IEEE TGRS,1篇IEEE ICASSP,在读

梁浩,专硕(2022-),1篇Pattern Recognition,在读

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